Every business related to the sports needs a logo whether it's a sports team, events, companies, governing bodies etc. The diversity of this business culminates a wide range of brand mark identities including five main logo type examples:
Emblem marks,Character marks,Pictorial marks,Abstract marks,Letter mark or word mark
Now, we shall discuss them one by one to provide a little different approach to
sport logos designing.
Emblem marks:
As you know the emblem or a combination mark is an allegory which consists of a composite mixture of various pictorial elements to create a link with the organization and its standing in the market. By and large sports academy, basketball manufacturers, football companies, soccer teams and various clubs prefer this simple emblem for their business.
Character marks:
Mascot logos or character brand marks are fun to play with as they involve various mascots of famous characters from our daily life. They can be in the form of cartoon as well when the target audiences are kids. Various hockey, sports and social clubs prefer this type with a view to attract their target audience on the first glimpse as the use of characters in these corporate identities always interests the audience. They are very rare with this business as it requires more design elements and skills which become tiring and daunting for a graphic designer.
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Sports Logo Design |
Pictorial marks:
As the name indicates, it's a pictorial representation which shows what company is all about. You can also call it illustrative corporate identity which involves the use of different pictures and images with the condition that it should represents the business nature in first glimpse. It sometimes becomes much difficult for a graphic designer to design such pictures; therefore, what they do is that they use the name of a company in their corporate identity. In short, it should posses a picture that directly links to the business.
Abstract marks:
If someone wants to create an abstract corporate identity then he must head towards a graphic designer who is famous for his creativity and innovation. This logotype involves extra amount of imagination and creativity as it has to capture the attention of the viewers. The quality which sets an abstract
sports logo design apart from the rest is that it never easy to understand in the first glance which must provoke and intrigue a viewer to spend time and ponder over it.
Word or letter mark:
Letter or word corporate identities involve the use of a company's name in a very stylish and unique way which is normally considered as the best way to portray a brand. Big brands like Gucci and Armani have used this technique to get the maximum advantage. Companies who prefer having a font treatment type of a corporate identity without any use of graphic elements often go for this logo type.
As the field of sports involves thousands of games played worldwide, therefore, it encapsulates different types of corporate identities as well which are discussed above in detail.
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